Welcome to our Website

The Halfmoon Bay Community Association’s best kept secret…until NOW!   Welcome to our new website.  After months of design work by Chantal of inkdesign.ca (thank you!) and ongoing updates by the HBCA Board and a very hard-working volunteer, we are delighted to launch this easy to navigate website allowing you to quickly find the information you are looking for.

On the Home page, we’ll feature a current news item or event; scroll down and you’ll find “action” buttons which will bring you to other pages on the site, and a What’s Happening? section links you to the Events page.  In the  header, you will find links to About the HBCA (Mission, Board of Directors), Our Community (Official Community Plan, local Associations), Coopers Green (the community hall’s history, current replacement project status, and fundraising updates), Events (2022 Calendar and links to planned events), News, how to Contact Us (including volunteering and membership), and Fundraising (our Community Initiatives Program and the Hall replacement project). Images (donated by Chelsea of cbr photography) from our popular 2021 music event, the Seaside Shuffle, provide colour and energy on many of the pages.


This website is a work in progress; while we’re very proud of its usability and content at this time, we’re mindful that it needs to be as user-friendly as possible.  Please contact us at info@halfmoon-bay.ca if you have any questions or suggestions – all feedback is welcome!

Linda McMahon
President, HBCA
 on behalf of the Board of Directors