General Updates, Meetings
Town Hall / AGM – November 4th – Minutes, Recordings
Town Hall:
On November 4th, the HBCA held its 3rd Town Hall of 2022. Approximately 100 residents participated, including MLA Nicholas Simons as our guest, and incoming Area B Director Justine Gabias. A few weeks prior to the meeting, MLA Simons was presented with the attached document with a request that he be prepared to give substantive responses at the Town Hall. Unfortunately, the update was not what we had hoped for, so a follow-up document was sent to him with a “respond by November 30th” request.
Attached is a document representing the other topics that were discussed, such as the Telus Wilderness Project including presentation material (Powerpoint [coming soon] & speaking notes) prepared by Hank Bull; water supply; and Coopers Green Hall. Action items have been flagged for those individuals responsible. The HBCA Board will pursue the input requested and will add any updates to the follow-up documents.
Annual General Meeting:
Following the Town Hall, the HBCA held its AGM. The Minutes can be found here.
Recording Links:
The audio link to the Town Hall and AGM is here. The Facebook video recording is here: