Park Enhancements Coopers Green Spring 2024

The SCRD has made a Request for Proposal for Park Enhancements to Coopers Green.

Project Objectives
Using the Coopers Green Management Plan as a starting point the Consultant will lead a team and provide technical and professional public consultation, design, and other support throughout the project. The Consultant will summarize background information, lead the Regional District through a scoping and design process, which includes relevant stakeholder input and public engagement.
The outcome of this project will be construction ready design plans and cost estimates for park enhancements and on the ground implementation of designs. The overall budget for this project including all design, studies, consultation, assistance with procurement documents, and includes all site works/supervision through to completion of hard construction is up to $673,000.

Project Timelines
The tentative high level project schedule is:
July, 2024                         Background, Public Engagement/Communications Plan
Fall 2024                           Second Public Engagement Summary Report
Winter 2024                      Final Construction Plans and Class B cost estimates
Late 2024/Early 2025     Optional Tender and Construction Services

 SCRD Documents can be found  Here