What's New in Halfmoon Bay, Sunshine Coast BC

A HMB Community Hall: The Hard Truth / A Potential Option

The Coopers Green Hall Replacement Project suffered a major setback in July at which time the report from the geotechnical consultants indicated that the chosen site and hall design at Coopers Green Park are not feasible given Ocean Flooding constraints and proximity to the neighbouring property. SCRD Staff presented a report to the Board at their October 13th meeting outlining 3 options for moving forward with the project. Rather than take a vote, the deliberations were deferred to a future meeting which would include the newly elected Board members.  The HBCA Board has been informed that this will take place at the December 15th Electoral Area Services Committee meeting.

Following the October 13th meeting, a Task Force of the HBCA Board of Directors (Linda McMahon, President; Andy Jones-Cox, Vice-President; Don Cunliffe, Director) has been in urgent discussion with SCRD Staff to find a way forward that is agreeable to both the SCRD Board and the community at large. The essence of the situation is this: after intensive and “all the cards on the table” conversations, and considering all possible options in Coopers Green Park, we have jointly concluded that a Hall, even with significant design changes, is not viable at any site in the Park for a variety of reasons including geotechnical, timeframe, and financial challenges. 
We decided to look at the project with a wider lens, that is, what does the community want and need and can this be achieved without a hall at Coopers Green Park? We came to the conclusion that yes, it can, by building a smaller hall at Connor Park and revitalizing Coopers Green Park with an outdoor performance stage and other park improvements. The attached pdf provides details regarding this alternative proposal (Option D).
Both the Task Force and the SCRD Staff are highly sensitive to the fact that donors provided funds based on the agreement with the SCRD that a hall would be built at Coopers Green Park. Indeed, significant fundraising efforts over the past 8+ years have seen $400,000 provided to the SCRD in trust towards its construction. It is our hope that the community can see the project with fresh eyes (as we have been forced to do over the past few weeks) and agree with our conclusion. The alternative, we fear, is more expense, more valuable time lost, and quite possibly no new community hall at any site for the foreseeable future. 
We are asking if you could take some time to consider all of the important factors presented in this proposal (such as geotechnical, financial and timeframe challenges, and the best option for the community as a whole), and then to respond to the following questions: 
1) Do you support Option D? 
2) If no, please succinctly state your concerns? 
3) Do you see other elements of the proposed Option D that have not been identified and should be taken into consideration?
Your input to info@halfmoon-bay.ca in the next two weeks would be greatly appreciated. 
Coast Reporter article November 3rd.