The SCRD have received revised estimates for the Coopers Green Hall replacement project. The overall cost has increased alarmingly – by between $1M and $1.5M. Staff will present a report to the Electoral Area Services Committee on Thursday, May 19th for decision, providing various options – from raising taxation through to cancelling the project.
The Halfmoon Bay Community Association will conduct a delegation to that Committee, emphasizing the community’s desire to proceed without further delay, and offering options for obtaining additional funding to fill the “budget gap”.
You can review the staff report here:
You can join the meeting (May 19th; 9:30 a.m.) in person (SCRD Board Room, 1975 Field Road, Wilson Creek), or by Zoom at this link:
In order to further garner support for the project to proceed, Linda McMahon, VP Andy Jones-Cox and Director Don Cunliffe will meet with Area B Director Lori Pratt this Sunday evening to obtain her views and plan of action. We will provide an update to you in the next day or two.
In the meantime, please share this with your friends and neighbours – help get the word out and ensure our voices are heard. Comments and suggestions should be sent to Area B Director at Lori.Pratt@scrd.ca.