Sunshine Coast Wildlife Project Workshop – March 26th
Celebrate the arrival of spring by helping local wildlife! For the first time since 2019, community members of all ages are invited to join biologists from the Sunshine Coast Wildlife Project to build bat houses, swallow and owl nest boxes, or mason bee homes. Learn how to get involved in local habitat stewardship and wildlife monitoring activities.
The Halfmoon Bay “Homes for Wildlife” workshop will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on March 26th at Coopers Green Hall. Kits take 30 minutes to assemble; $25 for swallow boxes and $40 for all others. Ready-made kits are also available.
Want your children to be able to build a kit, but feel the cost is prohibitive? The Halfmoon Bay Community Association, Halfmoon Bay Environmental Society, and the Sargeant Bay Society are pleased to offer Halfmoon Bay children a 50% subsidy on the purchase of kits! Please send a picture of your box installed and (hopefully!) used by the wildlife that visit it to info@halfmoon-bay.ca or directly to the SCWP!
Check out the information provided in the links above. If you need further information, please contact Michelle at coastwildlife@gmail.com.